Friday, August 21, 2020

Why 360 VR Makes Big Sense for Small Businesses

Online marketing trends get more innovative by the day, and the latest buzz in town is around 360 Degree Virtual Reality for Local Businesses! With this unique form of complete video experience, audience engagement is much higher, with viewers watching the video for 44% longer. And that’s not all. Not only are viewers taking longer on the page, but they are buying into the deal too! Studies have found that conversion rates are twice as high as with traditional videos, and click-to-purchase rates are up to 14 times as high. People like the power of being able to interact with the camera and move around without limits, controlling what they can see.

360 degree VR Impacts your local SEO standing in a meaningful manner. When you implement your 360 tours on Google Street View, local search engines can point to your business very quickly, and this will help customers to locate your business and find you easily.

Most small businesses are not aware of just how much impact local SEO can have on the online visibility of their business. The results of a good SEO strategy often do not show up till a good three months into the campaign, and since the impact is not felt at once, people often believe that they have invested in a venture that is not paying. If you use a good analytics tracking device like Google My Business (GMB), though, you can track your online traffic, and when you do so, you will find that 360 VR adds a lot of indirect value to your local SEO ratings.

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