Monday, February 24, 2020

How to Reduce The Cost of Architectural Renderings: Part 2

We have seen in the previous article that various factors influence the cost of real estate renderings. As the project progresses to the construction stage, the price is further affected by some factors that come into play later. Here we shine the light on what these factors are, and how, as an architect, you could reduce the cost of the 3D Rendering Services.

Revisions To Architecture & Angles

A major factor that affects the cost of your rendering is the number of revisions that the artist has to do. In quite the same way as revisions to an actual building will cost more as the construction progresses, any revisions to your 3D rendering will also be more difficult as the work on the rendering is underway. In many ways, creating a rendering is similar to building a property, as in both cases the foundation is constructed first, and layer upon layer is added as the work progresses. Once the work is in an advanced stage, modifications to any of the layers would involve considerable time and effort. In many cases, the project has to be broken apart and recreated from the foundation stage. If the architect has already finalized all the details and the number of design iterations is minimized, then the cost involved in the Architectural 3D Rendering Services will also be lower.
Similarly, if you are requesting only small adjustments in the camera angle at an initial stage, the revision takes very little time but at later stages, there will be significant rework required if the zoom, elevation, or angles are changed. While it sounds like a 90-degree rotation may not be very difficult, in reality, there is considerable work involved as the side that is on display may not have been prepared for rendering at all and will need to be done from scratch. If saving money is high on your priority list, you should avoid making any such change requests unless they are done right at the beginning of the work.