A very effective way of marketing a house is to stage it by filling it with choice furniture, allowing the prospective buyer to imagine how it will look once it is furnished. Physically staging a house can prove to be very expensive and time-consuming, and the clients may not like your taste in interiors! The far easier alternative is virtual staging, where 3D designers design the interiors of a home virtually, by integrating virtual décor pieces and furniture into an image of an empty room. Spaces can be customized based on the interior preferences of the buyer, and real estate agents can target the needs and aesthetic tastes of their target audience.
Homebuyers who are able to visualize themselves actually living in the space are more likely than not to go through with the deal. Using VR technology, real estate marketers are able to sell properties at a fraction of the cost of physical staging. Virtual staging can be done with a quick turn-around time, as well given a photograph of an empty room, 3D modelers could come back with beautifully staged images in as little as 24 to 48 hours!
Virtual Instructions for Tenants
Real estate agents who need to communicate instructions to their tenants can do so efficiently through VR. They can strap on a VR headset and experience a virtual tour that explains, for instance, how the utilities work, and where extra blankets are stored. This proves to be very useful in the vacation rentals industry, where there is a high turnover of customers, and the rental agents would otherwise have to give instructions and repeat themselves to every single customer! Virtual instructions can vastly improve customer experience at such rental properties.
Virtual Commerce
Potential homebuyers who would like to see the interior of their new home with interiors done up according to their choices can now do so using the magic of VR technology! They could visit an online store, pick a sofa or an armchair that they like, and add it to their 3D tour. This helps them to style the property the way they prefer and imagine how their finished home could look.
Again, if a virtual store wishes to advertise themselves by offering the pieces of furniture that are showcased in the virtual tour on sale, clients who are viewing the 3D tour could opt to buy them online.
How VR Technology in Real Estate makes all the Difference
Still, wondering whether you should explore the possibilities of marketing with VR? Read on to know how it can make all the difference to your marketing campaign!
1 Clients need not travel to each Location
Clients can check out and shortlist properties right from the comfort of their homes, by putting on VR headsets and experiencing immersive 3D virtual tours. They can do away with the hassle of traveling to view each property physically.
2. Deals can be closed Quickly
Virtual reality solutions save time for realtors as well, as deals can be closed in quicker turnaround time. As several prospective buyers could be viewing the videos at the same time, realtors do not need to split up their time between clients, and this would increase the chances of a sale.
3 Improved Visualization Capabilities
Clients are able to understand the spatial relationships between rooms and visualize each property in a better way when they view a virtual tour. Especially when the interior is virtually staged, they are able to forge an emotional connection with the home and can even visualize themselves living there, making it more likely that they would close the deal and go ahead with the purchase.
4 Reach a Global Audience
Physically showing each property takes up a lot of time and effort, and realtors who work in the traditional way are not able to reach out to a wider audience. By showcasing properties through 3D virtual tours online, they can reach out even to long-distance buyers and increase their own productivity.
5 Save on Costs
If you compare the cost of developing a 3D virtual tour with the cost of traditional real estate marketing (think physically staging, sharing photographs, creating banners and advertisements), then it’s a no brainer. 3D tours are just a fraction of the investment! With VR technology, you can harness the power of hyper-realistic videos and imagery that can give the viewer a truly immersive experience.
With more real estate agents taking to VR technology to showcase their properties to advantage, do you want to be left behind? Connect with the expert team at Rayvat Rendering Studio to get started with this new-age experiential technology, and start realizing the benefits right away!